Friday, January 2, 2009

You And Your Stock Investment In 2009-How To Discover The Law Of Cycles And Profit From It

I remember vividly one of Jim Rohn’s classic about the seasons of life. That is the very reason for this write up to reveal what you are expected to come by as you get set to improve your investment fortunes in the stock market in 2009.
There is time for everything so says the wise man in the holy scriptures. As there is the time to weep, so is the time to laugh. There is time to die and another time to live.
No one can perfectly predict the future but you can profit from the wisdom of the sound knowledge of the law of cycles.
Some investors understand fully that the stock market operate in a swing. If it goes up today, it will come down tomorrow. Whatever goes up must come down. That is a universal principle. If you take due diligence to observe this law in 2009, you are sure to make it in your investments.
Why are so many investors still hurt about the extraordinary loss they incurred in 2008? Simply because they ignored this law or they are out rightly ignorant of the existence of this law.

The price of stocks went high up. The informed investors who are highly experienced about this law quickly exited the market and the price came tumbling down. When the price got fully adjusted at the lowest, realistic value, these same investors came back and started taking profits.

Life is about constant, predictable patterns of change. As these changes occur, the only constant factor is your feelings and attitude toward these changes. You cannot do anything to stop the seasons of life. In its time, rain will fall. At harvest, there must be harmatan. What you do during the raining season will determine your gain. If you neglect to sow any seed when it is raining, you cannot expect to harvest anything at winter.
By your attitude, you may decide to read and learn more about how to prosper in any economy irrespective of the policy of Government. On the other hand, you may decide not to improve your learning curve and stay hurt of nurture the spirit of complain. By your attitude, you decide to give up and blame others for your failure. One thing you must however understand is that you are fully responsible for your investment decisions.

Attitude determines choice and choice determine results. You cannot change the seasons. You cannot change the bearish and bullish run in the stock market but you can change yourself through consistent self improvement and investment education. Know for sure that the bulls always come after the bears. The bears may be long, short, difficult or easy but they always come after the bulls. You must learn how to handle the bears just as you learn how to handle difficulties. Difficulties come after opportunities.

You Can Get Better, Wiser And Stronger
Never wish the bears never come. Never wish it were better. Mr. Shoaff was Jim Rohn’s mentor. One of the vital lessons he taught him says ‘ don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom’.
Historically, the stock market has been proven to have performed on the up side than the down side. Recessions will come and go but the stock market has remained. Wealth always change hands when there is change in seasons. You must decide whether the wealth will come to you or be transferred from you to others. The level of your investment knowledge base will determine whichever way it goes.

How To Get Better, Wiser And Stronger In 2009
Will there be need for Nigerians to buy and eat food in 2009? Would there be need for beverages in our homes and families in 2009? Is there any need for more houses in 2009 to provide security for families? What about the basic need of clothing, would it be necessary in 2009? Nigerians are known to be extravagant in exchange of greetings through excessive talking or communications. Would this trend continue in 2009 irrespective of whether there is economic recession or not?
If your answer to these questions is in the positive then get ready to triple your investment in the stock market so you can reap bountiful results.
Target performing companies in the sectors highlighted earlier and invest in them. There is absolute guarantee that you will make it.

The Key To Great Success
Most investors don’t use this key. It is the master skill to predictable investment success. It gives you the power of control over your investment. You are responsible and comfortable. Determine ahead of time how much you want to invest for the year. Be certain about the number of companies you want to invest in. Don’t surrender the number of units you want to acquire to the law of accident. Take charge. Set the goals. Write it down. You only need a cheap pen and paper to do that. You will become a different person. Your attitude toward yourself and investment in 2009 will be extraordinarily positive. You will feel more confident and optimistic. Best of all, you will increase the probability of success by 1000 per cent.
Try it. It works always.

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