Saturday, November 29, 2008

Good News As Honeywell Flour Enters The Market

The good news might not be for you if you are one of the kalokalo speculators who flee the stock market as the bears reign and who had vowed never to have anything to do with the stock market again.
Astute investors who are winners and highly experienced in the market knows what to do when a company with strong fundamental which has been on the scene for years decide to offer its business to the public.
Honeywell initial public offering (IPO) smells good. Investors has been wondering over the years why this company has failed to list its shares on the stock market. Their prayers has now been answered. Honeywell has decided to float an IPO starting from December 3 to Decemeber 31st 2008. The share price is N8.50K
With just N8,500, you can grab 1000 units of the stock.
It is not in my character to recommend stock to you without giving you some facts about the company. So let's see some facts about Honeywell flour:
The four mill is a subsidiary of Honeywell Group and it is widely known for operational excellence, customer satisfaction, great sales and profitability. The company process and package flour and semolina from wheat. You surely love to buy semolina for your family menu. Why can't you just join those who will own the business and start making money from it. Honeywell flour mill also produces instant noddle. Hmmmm. That is a best seller anytime anyday.
The chairman of the company is Oba Otudeko-the Nigerian stock market guru who currently heads the board of the NSE. Hope you remember my teaching on making your money to follow good management and personality?
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nigerian Stock Markets Secrets-The Place Of Information

How can you invest profitably in the Nigerian stock market without access to timely information? Going into buying stock blindly wihtout access to insiders information can spell doom for you as an investor whose goal is to become really rich investing in the Nigerian stock market. One of the lessons many investors have learnt from the bearish nightmare that characterized the stock market in 2008 is never to invest again without paying the price of getting insider information. If you want to really grow rich investing in the Nigerian stock market, the use of the power of information as revealed in this write up will absolutely empower you to learn how to do it without regret. The first key to investment is having an investment heart or attitude. That is to say you must develop the right mindset or the mind of an investor. Few are the people who have this kind of mind. It does not matter the type of work you are doing or how much you make daily, monthly or yearly. It is possible to earn millions monthly and still not be an investor. So work on your mind to be an investor habitually. That is the first key to investment. The second key to investment is information. To the ordinary man, information may just be news or knowledge passed across. But information to an investor is like what exploration is to crude oil discovery. Without exploration the search for oil in an area is like looking for a pin in a haystack. Of course success will be far off. Information gives you the staying power or the die-hard tenacity to succeed and achieve your goals. It is the lack of information that cost an individual in Napoleon Hill's Classic ' Think And Grow Rich' the loss of gold deposit on his land. He was discouraged after digging unsuccessfully for gold not knowing that a minor fault which could be rectified was produced along the line. The person he sold the land to had the information and knowledge he lacked and so became a multimillionaire overnight. Your lack of information could spell doom in your life and lead to tearing torture both physically and psychologically so pay attention to what I'm telling you. In the stock market business, information is the Master Key to investment. Without information investment is not secured and is liable to fail. It is only information that keeps you ahead of others. Smart investors can't be beaten when it comes to information acquisition, they know that investment can thrive only when information is available. Information is a potential force. Information is a stored force. I has the ability to do work when it is released at the right time. It is either acquired cumulatively or instantaneously. Information needs to be retrievable to be useable. Information on print just like the one you are reading now is retrievable at any time. You could refer to it and remind yourself of the vital lessons it contains any time.
Why You Need Informaton

(1) To be able to invest when funds are available

(2) To be able to buy into stocks that are cheap and viable

(3) To be able to know when to invest in a particular stock

(4) To be able to ascertain a good investment outlet.

(5) To be able to resist the herd effect

(6) To be able to overcome the negative influence of emotion in your investment

(7) To be able to know when to buy while others are selling and vice versa

The Extraordinary Power Of Information

Knowledge is power. Ignorance is a disease. Someone said if knowledge is costly, try ignorance. How do you feel when looking for a key to open a door and yet the key cannot be found? You can be frustrated. You feel dejected and uncomfortable. But immediately you find the key, you are relieved. You feel good. You know that you now have the power to solve the problem. you go ahead to use the key to open the door. The door was opened because you found the key. Your key to success in life and stock investment is information. Until you have knowledge about a thing, you will be kicked here and there by the vagaries of ignorance.

Walk Out Of Ignorance As Fast As Possible

Ignorance is bondage. It enslaves you. Knowledge is the only light that can set you free from failure, darkness and frustration. You must be ready to pay the price of diligent study to acquire knowledge. In the world of investment, knowledge is the difference between profit and loss. Great investors like Warren Buffet believe that investment is pleasurable and have no risk. This he can boldly declare because he is quite knowledgeable in matter of investment. Anyone who can tap from his knowledge is bound to think the same way he thinks, act as concerning investment in shares and make huge profits. Astute investors have load and loads of information and data at their disposal. They acquire the information at great price. Many other investors cannot pay the price hence the loss they incur in their investments. Such investors are the ones who invest in dead stock like Onwuka Hightech, Acen insurance etc because the stocks were promoted by stock brokers and the media.

Take Step To Invest In Your Mind

You must invest in you mind in order to move forward and make extraordinary profits in you investment. You have great power over your mind. If you feed it with the right information, it will yield the right reward in profits for you. You can decide what you feed into your mind. This power is greater then poverty, lack of education and superstitious belief. Information on investment will not come to you on a platter of gold. You must go searching for it. You should be ready to pay heavily to acquire the information that will empower you to enjoy perennial profits in your investment without ever incurring any loss whatsoever. If for example you want to invest 100,000, it will not be out of place to invest the first 30,000 in acquiring information so that you can have the right knowledge to turn the remaining 70,000 into millions within a short time. It is possible never to lose a dime using the power of information. You will see opportunities where others see difficulty. You will enter the market when others are running away. You will be buying to increase your share holding when others are selling theirs in a hurry as a result of fear.

How To Obtain The Light Of Investment Knowledge

Strategies for making unimaginable profits in the stock market go beyond the four walls of a school. Warren Buffet monopolizes his investment techniques. He is the creator of his methods of investment. Those who want to benefit from his knowledge pay as much as $10,000 to belong to his caucus. $10,000 is the value per share of his American company-Berkshire Hartaway. Convert $10,000 to Nigerian currency and see what it is in naira. The man who does not read have no advantage over the man who cannot read. You must get motivated to learn and empower yourself in the world of investment through books, seminars, close association with knowledgeable people, tapes, CDs, private tuition and other means. Knowledge stretches the human mind into unprecedented levels. Knowledge rightly acquired will change you attitude, thinking and profit margins you will make in your investment.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nigerian Stock Millionaires Secrets

You need to know the secret of millionaires and use the same method they use or get the same information they have before you too can Climb The Millionaire’s Ladder. You cannot achieve this until you Learn to use the same information available to the millionaires.

Mega Secret NO 1………..Get information
The millionaire invest first in acquiring information before actually investing their monies. Do you get that? Robert Kiyosaki of the Rich Dad Poor Dad fame said that the rich find it easy to invest in information before putting their monies on investment vehicles why the poor find it difficult to do. So no matter whom you are, the first thing I will advice you to do is to invest heavily on buying information in books, manuals, audio tapes, CDs, E-books etc on the Nigerian Stock Exchange and the people behind them.
Informed investors always know when a stock will produce million naira profit before others i.e. they know about what the general public did not know time ahead and parachute themselves out of the plane before it crashes.

Mega Secret N0 2……….Time factor
Millionaire’s are aware of the impact of time on investment so they take time to observe trends about the future in the companies they are interested in. They are very conversant with the law of cycles.

Mega Secret NO 3…………Great interest in People
The people I’m talking about here are the ones Managing which ever company they want to invest in. You must take time to read the biographies of men and women behind the companies producing the products you want to partake in as a share holder. This is a major secret of success at the stock exchange.

Recommended Resources

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